Friday, May 18, 2012

There shall not be anymore blogs on this page! I am not going to write anymore here, on this page, because this year of school is ending, the email used to make this account will be discontinued, and I have another blog that I'm gonna write on as well as post my old blogs on. Blogs during this year were taken for a grade and so there is no longer a reason for me to blog anymore, but I shall! Because I actually kinda like it..But anyway if you haven't seen my other post go here for my new blog. Do it. Do it now. Make sure to follow so you will be updated, favorite the page, whatever it takes. Just do it. Anyway I have a bruise on my knee and it's rather painful, so Good bye cruel world! For now, I will pick up sometime on my new blog. Have a lovely summer to you all~

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Poetry Corner, Alice.

I'm lost in my own wonderland

I just can't seem to stop falling through these rabbit holes

Over and over again "I'm too late, Oh dear I'm too late"

Dear Alice..

Thursday, May 10, 2012

New Blog!

I have a new blog, here, and the first post explains everything and stuff. Make sure to follow it if you're into my blog here so you can keep up on that wonderful Karina news I know you people love. Anyway yeah, go to that there link up there, first sentence, sixth word, and follow yanno. Good evening~

Monday, May 7, 2012

Frozen Milk.

This blog is sort of like a blast from the past for me. I don't even know where I learned this or how I knew how to make these, but what I'm talking about is pretty much a milk popsicle. I remember when I was a kid I used to have these all the time during the summer or just any other time. I don't even know how as a kid I came across these, and I'm not sure but I might have even learned about them in Columbia, that or Grandma's house. Either one. I have a grandma in Columbia too, but anyway that's off topic I might write another blog on that sometime. I used to love these things and they're so simple to make. I swear you're probably like "Ew milk, that sounds disgusting." Trust me once you actually freeze milk it taste nothing like itself. All you gotta do to make these is pour some milk in a cup-a nonbreakable cup, add some sugar, stir, and pop into the freezer for a few, many, 4-6 hours I don't know. I've never timed making these, but you can definitely make them over night for the next day. Or maybe for a party, I don't know, have fun with it. They're delicious, and nutritious, they look really really cool to me. They're like a pretty snow white as if they'd be coconut flavored or something, but no they taste pretty much like nothing, yet they taste amazing. I think I'm more fascinated with the color of these things than I am the way they actually taste. Anyway it's all good we eat with our eyes, no? So that's my excitement for today; milk popsicles. Happy New Year.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

De Lion King!

THE LION KING MOVIES ARE MY MOST ABSOLUTE FAVORITE MOVIES EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!:3 This prompt was brought up by my friends who I believe are having who loves Karina the most contests because they both posted amazing things about the Lion King. Me friend Elizabeth; Biz and Silvia; Slivia . Check them out at those awesome links there. I have always loved loved loved the Lion King movies, and I still love them just as much now. Nala and Simba are cute, but gurl my thing is Kovu and Kiara. Obviously my favorite out of the three is Lion King II; Simba's Pride, and just to prove my freak obsession with the series here all the characters by memory but some of them I did have to look up how to spell;
Lion King;  Simba, Mufasa, Sarabi, Zazu, Nala, Sarafina, Ed, Scar, Banzai, Shenzi, Rafiki, Timon, and Pumbaa
Lion King II Simba's Pride;  Simba, Nala, Kiara, Kovu, Vitani, Zira, Nuka, Zazu, Rafiki, Timon, and Pumbaa plus 15 other random
voice actors for the other nameless lionesses in the two prides
Lion King 1 1/2; Timon, Pumbaa, Rafiki, Simba, Nala, Random hyenas that Simba attracts, Ma, Uncle Max, Banzai,
Shenzi, and Ed
I've got a lovely pair of coconuts~ Du-dum du-dum
P.S. I love the name Vitani, encase you wanted to know. Also Zira, and Kovu, and Kiara, and Nuka. LOLOLOL. I'm just a Lion King freak.<3 Good day~


I love art, and one of my favorite things to do is paint. I've done many paintings this year and I'm actually pretty good at it. I got my pop art painting of Sonny Moore, one of my favorite musicians, in an art allergy for last month and I am currently in the middle of doing a pop art version of Steve Jobs the apple guy for one of the teachers at my school. Paint is most defiantly one of my top favorite mediums in every type of paint, but water colors. Water colors I have yet to master and so when I try water colors it looks like one of the things I've done in second grade, but I still like to play and experiment with them. I'm not great but I can certainly come up with some pretty cool funky looking stuff. Art is one of my favorite hobbies and besides painting you can usually catch me doodling around some random little things. I have lots of styles, an I wouldn't say that I have one specific style of anything that I do. I do lots of pencil work also, and because of that one of the things that I really really hate is when teachers tell me I have to create a project and make it in color. I absolutely hate having to use colored pencils or markers or any other type of colored utensils. I only like paint if I have to use color, but you can't really go and use your fancy paints for a simple school assignment..well I guess you could but I don't like to. I can add a heck of lot more detail if something is in pencil verses colored, and going off of that I don't just do really extremely realistic drawings. I can and could if I wanted to, but I really like the simplicity of cartoon like drawings. Other styles I'm into are things like what are mostly referred to as "Manga" or "Anime" style of drawings, and I really like to do chibi drawings.