Friday, February 17, 2012

Nashlee Wrote This, And I Died.

Okay for all you people out there you have probably seen my post about my wonderful friend, Nashlee, well she wrote me a rather rather long thing on Facebook and I died when I read it. I'm sorry Nashlee you're gonna hate me for putting this up, but that's why I love you. And world this is why I love Nashlee... "Dear my loveable Karina, I really just feel like coming to your front door and going to sleep on your couch while listening to your mother talk, more like yell, to herself. I know that me moving has made it a lot harder to stay in touch, and that's what scares me the most. I'm afraid when I come back, we won't be the same. That's like the most terrifying thought ever o.o even scarerier than Myers eating my foot. You know when i say everyone here sucks? Well, I'm really not exaggertating (I have no earthly idea how to spell that o.e). People here are just so cruel, they have no heart, feelings, kindness, or really any emtion towards others here. So, for me at least, It kills me knowing that for the first time in my life, I actually don't have friends, I'm not liked, and I never ever ever look forward to me waking up in the morning and getting on that dreadful fat bus that smells like dead fish with a hint of cinnamon. I just want to come back so bad, and for me, I have no idea why and what the purpose was of moving here. I still have my faith and blah blargg stuff about God will give us some kind of magical miracle or something like that, but ya know, I don't understand a lot of things, but this Sir right here, I really don't get -.- Sometimes I think about you forgetting about me and then the sight of my face you'd be like "eww who's that? o-O" But then I read that tribute thing and I'm like "Naww she loves mehh :'D". I wish we never moved here ._. I sometimes just wanna throw blow dryers at everyones faces at school because 1. They're face annoys me. 2. They're blonde. (like no joke everyone in my school is blonde) 3. They question my taste in music u-u. I wonder what the limit to typing is on facebook..
Well, i suppose that's it. I honestly don't even know why I wrote all this xD I'm pretty sure this is what i'd say to you if i was actually there, but yet again i wouldn't have to because I never would've moved here If i was there -_- You should make me a straw with a mustache. I got you're birthday present, I'll probably get you something else but i have to think about what else to get you c: I lovee you Karina♥ You really are the only person on this planet that gets me completley and doesn't give up on me, whenever i make a mistake you just act like "Oh well, it's nashlee, she does that kind of stuff..." Thank you for being the bestest friend ever and never getting tired of my unusual personalitly. Since I moved here, I've became kinda lame .___________. So, hopefully when i come back, my innerself with explode all over your face >:D Okie, Ima stop typing know because my eyes swollen and it's starting to twitch e.e I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BYEE. ♥ JKSBLJHFVWBSJDCFLjfl;wsrg"

Nashlee wrote that her whole self, yay for her :D Lol, but I love her. Yes I just used text language, Omg the world is going to end. This is what I love to see when I wake up at 8:30pm, the world's longest ever Facebook post. Ever. That I've read at least. I hope you guys have read this and understood why I love her so much. Words can not explain this one person she's just too crazy, and random, and just everywhere.

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