Friday, March 30, 2012


This photo that I found on a funny picture website is for a friend of mine named Alvin. He himself has a blog, you should go check it out I find it quite interesting, here. He does lots of games, and Pokemon stuff which I myself am quite fond of, so yeah like like like. He been doing some awesome origami things for the past few weeks, I know this cause I'm a creepy stalker and he made me a samurai hat out of origami. I thought he'd like this, so here you go Alvin. Hope you like yourself some Yoda-Gami.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Halfway Deserted.

Remember that band/person I told you I couldn't remember that Joseph introduced me to? Well I do now:D It's called Halfway Deserted, and you can find this amazing artist on Fac-e-book. Link here->Magic I am curently listening to this person, and he just rocks my socks so go check him out.

Creepy Screen Saver-

This is the creepy screen saver that scared me..I kinda like it.


Okay last week was a kind of depressing week for blogging so I just didn't really blog anything. I'm feeling kind of better, for you that know of what happened I'm feeling better about the whole situation I've changed my views on it a bit and I'm much happy, so this week I shall put up a more happy blog. This blog is going to be on what really makes me happy, music. Yesterday I was talking to a  good friend of mine named Joseph, and he is a new artist, kinda. He just finished his demo and asked me for my musical views on it, because I'm totally magical in the music department. Well this made me think. I haven't been listening to music so much since the whole big Dany happening, and I've been kinda a downer..But! I got the idea to right this here blog today about my favorite music. Honestly it's better to ask me what music I don't like, I love everything. Except rap .-. That general genre kinda bothers me with an exception of a few good artist. And country, some country is good but most of it is just about beer and tractors. I like Red Solo Cup, that song is just mind blowing- I totally forgot who it was by, but that song~ Um a few of my favorite bands are bands like A Day To Remember, Pierce The Veil, Falling in Reverse, Bless the Fall, and others like that. That's just one considered genre for me I also like people like The Ready Set (I'm lame), He is We, the old NeverShoutNever with a few of his new ones, Joseph actually introduced me to this new guy yesterday and he was A-ma-zing but I forgot what he called himself..I'll find out later and re post it somewhere.. I like Matt and Kim, The Postal Service, Skrillex, Adele, (I'm trying to think I have like 145 different artist on my iPod, but I can't seems to remember just one) Adele plus dubstep it's amazing. Of course I like Joseph's music even though it needs a bit of work and experience, you should look him up. His first demo honestly isn't that great the lyrics and the music itself is good, but let's face it bro I love you but you need to work on them vocals and editing a bit. You might be able to find him on Facebook as Joseph Morgan but I'm not too sure about that, he's not very big at the moment. You'll know it's him because of his adorable face just chilling out with a guitar probably. Um this is going to sounds very weird, but I like J-Pop, or Jap-Pop. A lot of J-Pop (too much anime really gets you into it) Some of you might be able to figure out what J-Pop is just by that, but for you that don't it's just I don't really know. It's kind of bubbly some, up tempo, just very uplifting sometimes, and I just really like Japanese people's singing voices. There's something about them, they're very pure and clear and simple in a way. Like you have our American music and it's very loud and just in your face, Japanese not so much. I just like it. I can't believe I forgot these people, Bring Me The Horizon and LIGHTS. Bring Me The Horizon for one is amazing, you may hear it at first and be like "What? What is this sorcery??" But it's really meaningful my favorite song is Don't Go, and it's about this mentally disabled boy  that Oli grew up with and he was like a brother to him, but the boy got teased a lot and one day a group of bullies lead him into the woods and murdered him. It's quite sad and you can really hear how he feels in the song. LIGHTS herself for one is featured in that song and I think it fits perfectly..I just randomly minimized my screen and my screen saver creeped me out..Well anyway her music is amazing to, the stuff she makes by herself. Acoustic she's the female NeverShoutNever and when she's not she's OwlCity #2, which is another band I like. Well I think this is really going on for way too long. I'm a stop talking before you guys get tired of  watching me ramble on an on about music. Bye world, this is my blog on music, have fun crying your eyes out when you're overflowing with emotion because this terribly long blog is over.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


He's 7'2, he made the impossible possible again. Thick long blonde hair, grey blue eyes that were beautiful like a fogged sunrise. Great big hands, perfect for the holding. Face so distinctive and bold, you could really tell him from the crowd. Hospital. The funkest eyebrows you will ever see, but his hair took cover for that. Dreams. Berlin, too far. 2. Jenna an utter pain in the butt, but he was worth it.  Katia, a beautiful girl, a lucky one too. Love-Hate relationship. Cuban. 1. Laughing. Leukemia. Hipster. Chrissy, his waste of time. Love. True. Parents, for the while he had them were the greatest ever. August. The month he was. Fear. Beautiful hand writing, took the breathe away. Mother. 5. Insomnia. Health. Long Boarding. Gorillas were his only fear. Mute. 19. Father. Germany for the country he lived in, though his roots were grown in California. Tried. Sign Lanuguage. Romero for his middle, Castillo for his last. 7. Giving. Arnold Palmer, favorite drink. Medicine. Young. San Fransico. Hurt. 4. Secrets. Heart of gold, will of steel. Everyday. Impossible to hate. 14. Shoes. "Lol." Violin. October, the month of his birth. March. Christopher Drew is his obsession. 3. Gorgeous for what he is. Soul. Heart. Mind. Kind, loving, caring, and everything inbetween. Favorite color; Purple. Lost hope, but found it once again. Despised long sleeves, loved the snow. Biggest smile. Age. 18. A number. Silent. Kidney. Strong. Has been though so much, yet he manages to be so amazing. Butterfiles. Undescribibably breath taking..He loved her, and she loved he. All was well until cancer stole him away from me..

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


This here post today is going to be about the term, the use, and my opinion on the term "Gay." Yes I know there's a big controversy on the whole gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender community thing, but I'm going to talk about it anyway. First off the current use of the word "gay" that I hear is getting on my nerves. People use it as a synonym for something stupid, or ridiculous when really it means nothing of that general topic. Mr. says that the term gay means to be happy or that of or pertaining to homosexuality, and not stupid. There is no such thing as the "stupid" gay, or the "lame" gay. This word means two things and two things only, happy and homosexual. I'm tired of people running around saying things like "Oh my god my phone is being gay, it's not sending this message." or "Man this game is so gay." Unless your game has a bunch of half naked guys on each other while you're shooting zombies then it's not gay, stop it. Jeez it's not that hard, and I personally think using that word in that way makes you seem uneducated. Come on really, is it that hard to search your vocabulary for a word that was actually created to mean what you meant to say? Second off I don't mind gay people, I am pro GLBT, and I support it. To me love is love and there's nothing wrong with that. There is no difference in a guy loving a guy, a girl loving a girl, a guy loving a girl, or anything in between. Love is something from the heart, well mostly it is and the heart knows no shape. It doesn't matter what color, gender,  ethnicity, or size you are love will find a way no matter what. So yeah I support gay people, and if you don't like all well. Don't be my friend, stop talking to me. I don't care as long as you don't go running around saying stuff about me cause I do I'm fine with it. I don't hate you for only believing in heterosexuality, so keep your comments to yourself. Another last thing is: Love is beautiful no matter who or what it's between.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Kony2012. Okay this right here is probably all over the internet already by now, but I don't care. This organization is really important to me right now and I wanted everyone who reads this blog, or just randomly came upon it one day to know about it. Children in Africa are being captured by a man and his evil organization known as Joseph Kony and The L.R.A., or the Rebels. These children are taken from their homes and are forced to use guns against many people, and even the people they loved. He has taken the rights of many children, and I personally believe that everyone desevers their human rights. The girls are forced into sex slavery, and the boys become his little toy soldiers in his game for power. He is the cause of many deaths and much caos over Africa. This man needs to be stopped. End of story. Period. People have already worked so hard for the U.S. government to send troops to lend a hand in this war for peace, and all this hard work would go to waste if we do not get enough people to support Kony's capture. The U.S. gorvernment threatens to withdraw it's troops if they do not recieve enough people by December 31, 2012 so please go to the website's link at the begining of this blog, watch the video, share it, and take the pleage to help stop this madness. On April 20th a huge event will be held to advertise this issue. Together we can make a difference and help save these kids from this evil man, please join us.

Monday, March 5, 2012


Okay this is competely random, but right now I'm cooking, well boiling, potatos. This spiked something on in my head, because I've always thought of potatos as something a lonely, or poor person would cook. Kind of like a lonely soul, so right now I pretty much feel like I'm cooking for some lost soul...and then I start feeling creepy. that's my thought on potatos. Have fun. Lol?