Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Kony2012. Okay this right here is probably all over the internet already by now, but I don't care. This organization is really important to me right now and I wanted everyone who reads this blog, or just randomly came upon it one day to know about it. Children in Africa are being captured by a man and his evil organization known as Joseph Kony and The L.R.A., or the Rebels. These children are taken from their homes and are forced to use guns against many people, and even the people they loved. He has taken the rights of many children, and I personally believe that everyone desevers their human rights. The girls are forced into sex slavery, and the boys become his little toy soldiers in his game for power. He is the cause of many deaths and much caos over Africa. This man needs to be stopped. End of story. Period. People have already worked so hard for the U.S. government to send troops to lend a hand in this war for peace, and all this hard work would go to waste if we do not get enough people to support Kony's capture. The U.S. gorvernment threatens to withdraw it's troops if they do not recieve enough people by December 31, 2012 so please go to the website's link at the begining of this blog, watch the video, share it, and take the pleage to help stop this madness. On April 20th a huge event will be held to advertise this issue. Together we can make a difference and help save these kids from this evil man, please join us.


  1. Woah Karina I didn't even know what this was until today but that was really deep very unlike you.........
