Monday, April 30, 2012

19 Truths and 1 Lie.

1. I like cats.
2. I'm very insecure.
3. I'm a music maniac.
4. I think too much.
5. Sometimes I surround myself with the wrong people.
6. I hate, absolutely despise toes.
7. I love to be barefoot.
8. I'm a night owl who stays up late well into the morning, yet who can never sleep past 10:00a.m.
9. I like stretched ears, and I think they're beautiful.
10. I'm obsessed with Pokemon, and usually you can hear me yell out "Harderrier" when something frustrates me.
11. I have creepy stalker crushes on Vic Fuentes', Ronnie Radke's, Kellin Quinn's, and Oli Sykes' vioces. Not them, their voices.
12. My favorite color is neon green.
13. Sonny Moore is my only actual person wise obsession than over their music, yet I still love Skrillex. With your friends and Twin Atlantic for the win!
14. My mind is one of the most unusual things on the planet.
15. I want a capybara and a field mouse because they remind me of real life Pokemon, and because they're absolutely adorable.
16. I'm nice to anyone no matter what they've done in the past or what I've heard about them, as long as they haven't done anything wrong to me personally.
17. I believe in second chances..and third, and fifth, and eighth, and tenth..
18. I don't like to use the normal three dots. For some reason I use two instead of three.
19. I wear glasses.
20. I wear make-up.
Can you guess the lie?

Friday, April 20, 2012

The Poetry Corner, The Gap.

He may not make me feel like me last
but at least he's not like that guy from the past

Real words from a real boy, I don't feel like I'm just a toy
Truth and Honesty is what is shared between us-

Learning even more each day I think he may be
Loving me for who I am, and not just so he can get his way

Lied to and deceived is all I'll ever be
I sit and wonder if he truly love me for me

The Gap, it closes

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Poetry Corner.

Lately I have been running out of blogging ideas and so I just haven't been blogging as much obviously..But! I have been writing a lot of poems lately so i think I might start my own little mini series kinda on this here blog. It's not going to be my main thing I just really need something to blog. Some of them will have a small-ish introduction to them, I say "small-ish" because you guys know me, I never write anything small.. So anyway, yeah I'ma start doing those, an some of them won't have an introduction for secret reasons. But yeah Karina original poems coming soon! Look forward to that, maybe. The title thing to them will be called The Poetry Corner, and 'then entry poem title here'.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


I am putting this up as a formal warning, because often times it seems like I get really off topic in my blogs. Sorry I am very scattered minded and my thought process is just really really weird. It may seem like I get somewhat off topic, but I really don't. Everything that I write is connected in some way it's just that some people can't see it so it was brought to my attention that I should make that clear. I'm weird, I'm crazy, and my thoughts are worse that's kinda why it's called "Karina's Mis Explained Thoughts". My blogs may seem like they go on forever, sorry, but I just have a lot to say. If I was actually speaking right now instead of you guys reading this it would seem like I'm just rambling on, which I kinda am and I know that. Anyway have fun reading my blogs, I'm trying to not write so much in just one blog. I've noticed they get really really long. Kind like now, so I'ma stop now. Okay bye. <3

Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Obsessions.

This here is just a few of my obsessions..Not all, just some. Any questions or comments- then there's a box under this very long list for that.
*Russell Brand
*Johnny Depp
*Bring Me The Horizon
*Ronnie Radke
*Ronnie Radke's voice
*My nails
*Worn bracelets
*My dog
*Field mice
*Red pandas
*Havanese dogs
*Gauged ears
*People with gauged ears
*Sleeping With Sirens
*A Day To Remember
*Jeremy McKinnon
*Don't Go- Bring Me The Horizon
*Silvia's elf ears
*Fairy tales
*Realistic Fantasy/Fairy Tale novels
*Anything Mythical
*Cristy Bell/ Cristy Cakes
*Things and smells of things that remind me of Columbia
*Clothes fresh out the dryer
*Tasteful underwear
*Spring time
*New beginnings
*Nail polish
*McDonald's Sweet Tea & French Fries
*Computer games
*Having no life
*The Spirit
*The Boondocks Saints I, II
*Trying to read people's minds
*Coot people
*Polar Bears
*Joseph Morgan is my recent obsession, and yes I do realize how creepy I am by admitting it.
*The color Electric Blue
*Biz's brother's Ash Katchum hat
*Realistic drawings of anime characters
*Sailor Moon
*My mother's Potato Salad
*The color of sound
*Dogs that look like Lion-Bears

*Miku Hastune- World is Mine