Monday, April 30, 2012

19 Truths and 1 Lie.

1. I like cats.
2. I'm very insecure.
3. I'm a music maniac.
4. I think too much.
5. Sometimes I surround myself with the wrong people.
6. I hate, absolutely despise toes.
7. I love to be barefoot.
8. I'm a night owl who stays up late well into the morning, yet who can never sleep past 10:00a.m.
9. I like stretched ears, and I think they're beautiful.
10. I'm obsessed with Pokemon, and usually you can hear me yell out "Harderrier" when something frustrates me.
11. I have creepy stalker crushes on Vic Fuentes', Ronnie Radke's, Kellin Quinn's, and Oli Sykes' vioces. Not them, their voices.
12. My favorite color is neon green.
13. Sonny Moore is my only actual person wise obsession than over their music, yet I still love Skrillex. With your friends and Twin Atlantic for the win!
14. My mind is one of the most unusual things on the planet.
15. I want a capybara and a field mouse because they remind me of real life Pokemon, and because they're absolutely adorable.
16. I'm nice to anyone no matter what they've done in the past or what I've heard about them, as long as they haven't done anything wrong to me personally.
17. I believe in second chances..and third, and fifth, and eighth, and tenth..
18. I don't like to use the normal three dots. For some reason I use two instead of three.
19. I wear glasses.
20. I wear make-up.
Can you guess the lie?


  1. I guess it`s the 19th choice

  2. Replies
    1. I thought most people would think that, but nope. I'm actually wearing make-up right now too.

    2. OKay, this is challenging. I'm going to guess that the lie is in the title and that all the above were true.

    3. Oh clever young one, but no cx One is definitely a lie.


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. .-. Silvia I tolds you not to put it up, that ruins my "watch everyone fail epically" time
